Whistling Tree
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Musikvideo Munk The Beat
Reading Bear
Verschiedene Schachteln Originalkartons Original Verpackungen
Mambo the Drummimg Elephant, Dandy the Drumming Dog, Charly the Pinky the Clown Drumming Clown, Daisy the Drumming Duck, Chimpy the Drumming Monkey
Frankenstein Mod Monster Great Garloo Crapshooter Mc Gregor Gino the Balloon Man Roulette Man Fruit Juice Counter Hungry Baby Bear Spanking Bear Hungry Baby Pup Burger Chef Piggy Cook Chef Cook Jolly Bambino Suzette the Eating Monkey Bubble Blowing Monkey Shoeshine Joe Shoeshine Bear Smoking Papa Bear Mr. Mc Pooch Burney Drumming Bear Accordion Bear Peter Drumming Rabbit Musical Marching Bear Mickey Mouse . Mr. Fox Magician Dentist Bear Barber Bear Rock`n Roll Monkey Fishing Polar Bear Hoopy the Fishing Duck Sleeping Baby Bear Teddy the Boxing Bear Traveler Bear Jolly Pianist Fido the Xylophone Player Trumpet Monkey Teddy the Artist Knitting Grandma Dolly Seamstress Hungry Cat Vip Busy Boss Bear Telephone Bear Telephone Rabbit Telephone Operator Busy Secretary Miss Friday Typist Peppermint Twist Doll Hoop Zing girl Strutting Sam Mc Gregor Bubble Blowing Musician Happy the Violonist Happy the Clown Puppet Show Happy/Sad Clown Dancing Indian Bartender Charlie Weaver Good Time Charlie Drinking Captain Sammy Wong Windy the Elephant Bubble blowing Elephant Jungle Jumbo Brave Eaglearshal Marshal Wild Bill Calypso Joe Happy Minor Nutty Mad Indian Smoking Grandpa Busy Housekeeper Smoking an Soeshining Bear Frankie the Rollerskating Monkey Teddy the Balloon Blowing Bear Drinking Bear Drinking Panda Bear Monkey on a Picnic g Drinking Dog Drinking Monkey Picnic Bunny Maxwell Loving Bear
Crapshooting Monkey Happy Chimp - - - - - - - Frendly Jocko Mambo Joe Happy Band Trio Pete the Talking Parrot Roaring Gorilla Shooting Gallery Jerry on Handcar Mac the Turtle Mickey Mouse on Handcar Pinocchio playing Xylophone Topo Gigio Playing Xylophone Musical Clown Alley the Alligator Walking Bear Somersaulting Pup Roaring Lion Bengali the Tiger Mary`s Little Lamb Fred Flintstone on Dino Fred`s Bedrock Band Mr. Stronpup Funland Cub Ride Feeding Birdwatcher Royal Cub Ball Blowing Clown Bimbo the Clown High Jinks at the Circus Hobo Playing Accordion Magic Man Clown on Monkey Car Balloon Vendor Dozo the Steaming Clown Clown Magician Bubble Blowing Rabbit Ol`Sleepy Head Rip Hooty the Owl Jolly Pinguin El Torro Bubbling Bull Two Gun Sheriff Jolly Bear Peanut Vendor Yo-Yo Monkey Reading Bear Sneezing Bear Dancing Merry Chimp Musical Jolly Chimp Hy - Que Monkey Buttons the Dog Big Parade Toyland Drum Major Brewster the Rooster Lady Pup Gardener Bubbles Washing Bear Blacksmith Bear Tumbles the Bear Santa on Globe Happy Santa Walking Happy Santa
Leider zerfällt die Haut des " eiskalten Händchens" Creeping Crawling Hand
Auch zu sehen auf You Tube:
"Meine geliebten Batterieautomaten"
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